Friday, September 11, 2009

more pinwheels

Here's another installation shot.

Just some of the colorful pinwheels made in the IUS printshop on Sept. 9

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Feedback about the TiIME article

Dear drawing students.

I established this blog last fall for the drawing class. Most of you are likely more ardent bloggers than I am! However, it occurs to me that his might be a god forum for you to post your thoughts about the article we're basing mini drawing #1 upon.

So lets hear some thoughts and get some discussion going!

So I ask you; how might reading the article regarding the real cost of cheap food influence your food choices in the future. What are the pros and cons in your estimation?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Here's another video of the same artist drawing Tokyo. If you enjoyed the one about Rome, you'll like this one as well.

Drawing students: Check out this video. This fellow's drawing is amazing! What do you think?